Inspired Gardens was founded by Jessica Lane. Jessica has been a gardener all her life. When people saw her gardens they would exclaim “They look so pretty! I could never do that.”

Thus Inspired Gardens was born. Jessica and her experienced crew love helping customers “do that”. Whether you need just a few ideas to help get you going or would like someone to do it all for you (from design to installation to regular maintenance), Inspired Gardens is here for you.  We take a holistic approach to land care and implement organic practices whenever possible.

Jessica is a Massachusetts Certified Horticulturalist (MCH), NOFA Accredited Organic Landcare Professional (AOLCP), and certified Master Gardener.  She has a master’s degree in environmental policy and international business from The Fletcher School and a BS from the US Naval Academy.

She brings her 9 years of experience as a Naval Officer and helicopter pilot to her business in her organized, professional, and disciplined approach to the work. Jessica is a member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, the Ecological Landscape Alliance, Native Plant Trust, and the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA).



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